Greetings to all the blogland. I am finally over my funk. I have forgotten how good it was to feel relaxed, calm and relatively stress free. The fact that i am back to normal, besides the usual techniques and soul searching is also a bit thanks to all of you, my beautiful, wonderful, patient readers. Although i was n't commenting as much as i used to, i read and read. You gave me comfort with your words, your general thoughts and with sharing the ways you deal with everyday, mundane stuff. So thank you once again for being the best therapists in the world.
Onto our magical (un)usual talk now... Mercury is finally in direct motion so our lives should be a lot easier from now on. We can finally think clearly(or so we should), say what we want, when we want to and make it sound exactly the way we mean it! Thank Goddess for that! Now we can make decisions that will not blow up in our faces and not have to deal with anymore small, but still nerve wrecking accidents(the glasses that i broke the last two weeks could serve the needs of a big restaurant!).
Anyhoo, i would like today to talk about pendulums. They are great for divinational purposes and also for directing energy. If you want them to unblock chakras clear quartz and even rainbow crystalls are great. Just hold it in front of your blockage and let it vibrate the negativity away. But if you want to use one for divination, although amethyst is great, the best choice is black obsidian. I love that rock! It is powerful.
Also, i am sure you have all seen wooden pendulum boards and they are fine. But i have a way to use them that is absolutely amazing and much prettier(i know,modesty is not my thing!).
I take a small plate and i feel it with salt. Then i try to make half of the yin-yang symbol and i fill the other half with poppy seeds(perfect for divination). I arrange them so that the shape is perfect and i add a small salt spot in the poppy side and a small poppy spot in the salt side. Then i concentrate on my question, hold the crystal over the plate and if it drops on the salt is a yes answer, while if it drops to the poppy seeds is a no. If you try it, just keep in mind that you can't ask many questions because the pendulum messes the plate up pretty quickly. You can also use herbs for the yes part of the plate. I enjoyed very much using thyme.
So that is my magical tip for the day. I hope you liked it and that you will try it. Have an enchanting day and a witchy afternoon!
Brightest blessings,
Direct motions, pendulums and happy thoughts
5:14:00 PM
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so glad to hear you are feeling better.... I have always had an intense interest in pendulums yet never really worked with them. thanks for the info....
hey, glad you're happy and cheerful again! and i like your pendulum board, or rather, plate idea...
Glad your feeling brighter x Loving the yin yang divination idea thanks for great info as always x
I have never actually used a pendulum for anything... I guess even if I did it would land right in the middle of the line... im too spontaneous for fate to hold me for too long lol!
Im glad that youre doing so much better with the stress in your life... with the nutrition and everything! Its hard work eh? but it will all come together if you keep at it! I swear!
Glad you're feeling better. I get like that on occasion myself.
I've been dying to get into pendulums but have yet to really try it out so thanks for the tip =)
So glad to hear you're in a brighter place now
Nellie x
Hi there my Wicked Darling. I'm sooo glad you are "over your funk", now you would please email me at magalyguerrero at live dot com? I might be able to brighten your weekend even more. Email me as soon as you can.
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