
Mabon is coming..

..and decorations have to be taken out., pies to be baked, wreaths to get made, a baby to get dressed in an orange outfit and a pumpkin to be bought and then  transformed into breads and cakes..
Are n't you excited?
I can almost smell the cinnamon, the cloves and the nutmed. Mmm!


Leanna said...

Quit! Your making me crazy! I haven't been able to find my Mabon stuff anywhere. I think it's out in David's shed and he has the keys at work with him. And here I am with the decorating bug just gnawing on my bones. *sigh*

mxtodis123 said...

It is wonderful isn't it? This is the first year that I will be home to really enjoy it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, I've gone into training by eating beautiful homemade apple crisp. It's tough but someone's gotta do it.

Vivienne Moss said...

I am very excited. I already have a glass of apple cider in hand.

Cheers, Viv

Diandra said...

They are renovating at our place at the moment, but as soon as they are done I plan on getting out all my fall decoration. I am not so much excited for Mabon, but for Samhain!!

Anonymous said...

Very much so, I'm excited, my dear friend!!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hey! how are you? i am so excited for fall though this week it's going to be vary hot. those are weeping hemlocks next to my porch! hope all is well with you!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

omg...you had a baby! i certainly lost touch! she is beautiful. congratulations! my kids are 30 and 28 and i love them to pieces still!!!

Natas Nest said...

Hello, I'm a new follower of your lovely blog :-). Hope you had a beautiful Mabon! And belated congratulations on your birthday and the birth of your cute little lady, hope you both are well :-)
Have a happy day!!
Nata xxx

Unknown said...

Hi, just stopped by from Angela's blog.I love the feel of your blog, fun and love. I will be back. Lisa x